Note, if you want to play through, you can just Fast Travel from the
mouth of the escape tunnel, back to Helgen, and head straight to Neugrad. It's the castle on the map, this was what I actually did my first playthrough, before I even discovered Riverwood, and the Quest of the Golden Claw.)
Skyrim (Also, chapter heads are Location names. There's only on Narrator.)
It looks different by the light of day. With any luck, I could maybe sneak in, and find a place to crash. I know the place almost like Helgen, the guards, their usual paths, and the breaks in the walls. Just wish there was some shadows, or something to hide in. I figured, I didn't have a place to stay. So, might as well see if I can clean out the old fort, or at least one of the towers.
I held my breath while one walked past, and quick sprinted to the Prison. Not that many guys in there, as soon as I got over the snow glare, I looked around, but only found the stairs down. There was just one guy, wandering around between the boxes, and crates, and barrels, and stuff. I hid behind a pillar, gripping the haft of my axe, and waited.
Just like my Bung Starter, I guessed. Only lighter, and sharp enough to cut a man's head off. How hard could it be? I swear, my heart was pounding so hard, I was sure he'd hear it. But he walked right past, muttering something about a whore. So, I took a big breath, raised the axe, and "HUAH!" brought it down as hard as I could.
Like watching Torolf in the woodlot, THUNK! It rang in the haft, and he crumpled to the floor. Dead, I killed him. "I just killed somebody!" I jumped, and giggled. It wasn't that hard, but didn't feel anything like I always imagined. Didn't feel like anything, really, except the impact of the handle in my hands.
"What was that?" somebody ran up the stairs. "There you are!" Fire flew from his hands, and I just ran at him.
"Keep your," I swung like a stickball bat, "Filthy Magic," then back, "OFF of me!" And cut him down. "HRAUH!" Oh well, they had some furry armor, so I gathered that up, spread it out behind some crates, and crashed out. Found a sword though, looks like Steel. I'll figure out where to put all this stuff tonight.
Neugrad Prison:
"Uhg!" I rolled over, but felt a little better, anyway. I tried on some of the armor, had to stitch the fur shoes tighter around my feet, but the rest covered me pretty well.
"I swear," I crouched again, "I'll find whoever did this..." Another one, where did they all come from? I snukt out, careful to watch my step, and hit her, hard. She fell, jerking my axe out of my hands, so I had to step on her back to loosen it. Never mind, she had a nice big iron sword, so I grabbed that instead, and gave it a few swings. It had better ballance, and I think I could swing it quicker anyway, so I just shrugged, and hung it on my back.
There was some gold down there, and a tunnel out, but I didn't really feel up for a swim. On the way back, there was a barrel, and some weird purple gems on it, but a bear trap in the way, so I left them. Up top, there was the door I came in, and a ladder up. I figured, if I could get on the roof, maybe I could take out an archer first, or jump down, and run. Thank Gods it was dark, and I could crouch up there long enough to see where everbody was.
There, the archers was way acrost the courtyard, and there was no way over there without jumping down, but I could see the door in to the main fort, so once there was nobody looking my way, I jumped, and ran for it before anybody saw me. I caught my breath, and crouched again. There was an Green Elf, right there, sitting with his back to me. I took down my sword as quiet as I could, and crept up.
"Huh?" he stood up, but I got some swings in, and cut him down before he could pull out his mace, and smash me with it. "You picked a bad time to get lost, friend!" I totally missed the archer across the room, but he got 1 arrow in my armor before I charged on top of a table, and jumped down in front of him. "Huah!"
"Agh!" his arms flew up, even as he fell with a slash across him. "We're under attack!" somebody upstairs yelled, so I quick hid in a dark corner. They all ran out, looking around, but I snukt quick through a side door, and around before they sawed me. "Hmh," down there, "Must've scared him off?" This was so exciting! I covered my mouth to giggle, but I sure was getting good at all this sneaking around stuff.
{Level Up! Health, Stealth 1}
I ran in the first room quick, and shut the door before they started coming back up. Must be the boss's room, cause there was a real big chest, and stuff. Not even locked, I searched trough it to find a bunch of gold, and a real shiny battleaxe.
It had kind of a blue glow, so I stuck the old sword away, and pulled it out. Must be magic, I wondered what it would do? KLUNK! The door started opening, so I got down behind the bed, and this big guy in steel armor walked in. He had a warhammer on his back, but he left it there, and wandered over to the bookshelf.
THUNK! I don't know if the magic did anything, but it sure didn't kill him, so I swung back, and forth before he could turn around, and get out his hammer. He raised it, sideways to block, and even hit me with it, but just the haft, so I had to take a step back.
He swung, so I beat him to it, and hit him first. He fell at my feet, and I took a minute to pick up his hammer. It was heavy, heavier even then my bung starter, tho it had a smaller head. I guess it was on account of it being iron, and all.
"Hey," the archer at the table turned around, and got out her bow, so I charged, and struck her down. Man, but that thing was clumsy! I shrugged, and went back to my new axe, I like it much better. Anyway, nobody heard, so I snukt around, and there was another table with some guy sitting with his back to me.
Easy breezy, I didn't have to hit him twice, but the door bust open, and this lizard guy started shooting sparks at me. He threw up some magic shield, but I cut right threw it, and the other guy circled around with his handaxe. I blocked like his boss did, and hit him with the handle to get a shot in. He recovered, but just hit me once before I backhanded him down.
"Ow!" I rubbed my arm, and put away my sword. The boss had a nice bed, so I took a quick nap until I felt better, and looted some more. Now I found some potions, a bunch of healing ones, some blue juice I don't need, and a couple of the green ones. I wished it were more, that stuff is as good as skooma for staying up all night.
Oh, and a key, so I went to see if there was a lock it fit. It was downstairs, acrost from the front door, and down the stairs was a wizard. A real one with black robes, and everthing! He stopped shoting sparks as soon as my magic axe cut through his ward, and he had to take a step back, so I cut him down.
There was another chest, but the key didn't fit it, so I left.
{Incidentally, that was an Iron Battleaxe of Drain Magicka I found in the Chest.}
Okay, I managed to find a fairly dark corner to hide until the first archer walked past, but as soon as he fell, the alarm went up, and I had to fight my way out. Okay, I didn't have to clean out the whole place, but I had some idea that I could make this my personal base, and then got overwhelmed. Once I made it down to the gate, I could at least get 2 of them at a time, with the nice stone walls to stop all the arrows.
I had to block, a lot. If I bash one, I can hit the other while he's stunned, then get my guard back up, but then another stepped over the body, and it was back to 2 on 1. Whatever, so not worth it, I ran. What I really needed was some help, so I kept going east, and found a camp full of Stormcloaks. Yeah, He was there, but left immediately, and I was invited to go see Him in Windhelm to join the cause.
Thank you for all your help. Whatever, I was headed north all ready, so I kept going to the end of the valley.