I suspect many people use Google, I did for years. Now I avoid them whenever possible. Someday when I have time, I'll start a topic named Is Google Evil, and expound on why I no longer use it.
I look forward to it. I do use Google, but that's just the default hompage for my browser (Microsoft Internet Exploiter is also evil, as is Firefox...) It just doesn't take me all that long to type things in the Address bar. Also, Youtube is Google. They're evil like Disney, and Nestle.
When you say professional criminal do you mean that's how you make a living? I would love to ask more questions about that, but I don't think I really want to know the answers, and you probably wouldn't want to answer them anyway.
I don't mind, and I'm used to answering the FAQs, which is why I dumb the answers down to the point that they're "Boring." Prostitution is my primary means of support, and I don't charge money for my Therapy. That's pro-bono.
Like you, I keep all my computers squeaky clean as far as content goes. All my stories are on a single flash drive, as is the portable app I use to edit them. I don't think they are illegal per se, but I still keep them in one isolated location.
There's "Illegal per-se," and then there's Incriminating. Also, any kids in the house? It's embarrassing, okay? I sometimes work in a Church, and even though I'm Agnostic, and i don't believe in it, I know those people, what they do believe, and they know me.
I kinda have to wonder what they would think about some of my stories, just like I would about my nude photos, if I had any, but I don't, and if you look over my shoulder, all you'll see is a wall of text. That appears to be the ultimate security, just make it too long for anyone to read, unless they're particularly interested.