Here is my point.
I hate politicians. They are liars and thieves who will do anything to get elected. No matter what they believe in their hearts, no matter what they say they believe when they are young and idealistic, in full possession of their integrity, the best of them will change their core beliefs to get elected.
As far as I am concerned, the last good president was John F Kennedy. He was honest, he was not in anyone's pocket, he was his own man, he admitted his mistakes, and we know what happened to him. He was replaced by a puppet named Johnson. Then we had a crook Nixon who was replaced by a president Ford who was never elected. Then Carter. Mr Nice Guy. But hardly a strong leader, easily pushed around. Then Reagan and Bush,
then Clinton, then another Bush, and of course, everyone's hero (ha)Obama.
Now here we are. And why is it I feel like laughing so fucking hard? Because the past several years I have agreed with people on both sides, not because of who or what they were, but because of whatever issue we were discussing. I didn't agree with someone about an issue because they were a fucking democrat or republican, nor did I disagree. If I hear about something, I decide how I feel about it personally by what's in my own heart and mind, not by what cards I carry in my wallet.
And that is why I am sitting here laughing. I sit here hearing democrats trashing Trump over politics. I sit here hearing republicans defending Trump over his politics.
I feel like sticking my finger down my throat.
Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and yes, Hillary Clinton... they were or are politicians, however you felt about them, they got their
jobs done, even the crook, but Trump...
The man is a fucking joke!