And all that's notwithstanding the fact that Bernie Sanders is no more a socialist than I am...
Well, now we get to that label. (This is an intrinsically Semantic debate.) What he calls Socialism isn't what Marx, Goebbels, Lenin, Trotski, and Mao called Socialism, but this doesn't even suggest a rigid definition that all Socialists adhere to.
Basically, it suggests a Sociological approach to Governement. "Of the people, by the people, for the people," is as Social a concept as seize the means of production, and rally the proletariat. He's a Social Democrat. He has Sociological Policies, which does not equate to being a dyed (red) in the wool Leninist.
I have no idea how Socialist you are, Barb. It's how you define your sociopolitical approach to voting, and which arbitrary direction (Left/right) you idealogically chose to associate with.
Bernie Sanders identifies as a Democratic Socialist, and direectly opposes what he considers capitalism run amuck. So at least in thought and words is more socialist than you are, or strives to be.