Yes Means Yes Reducto ad Absurdum
by Tim Merrigan
The Sex Crimes officer listens to her ear-bud for a moment.
"Yes Ma'am, we'll be there momentarily."
She signals the rest of her team to commence the raid.
They break down the door clear the ground floor and proceed up the stares, clearing each room as they go. In one they wake a young girl. The squad leader leaves one officer there to calm her down and see she goes back to sleep.
Finally in the master bedroom they find a couple in the middle of fucking, missionary style, they pull the man off and cuff him, "You are under arrest for rape."
The woman screams, "What the fuck are you talking about, who did he rape."
"You, just now."
"But, he's my husband, and I didn't object when he pushed against me."
"Ma'am, unless you vocally and enthusiastically say yes it's rape."
"Sir, come along." As he is frog marched out to a squad car.