Rampant outbreaks of the Corona virus are causing lots of changes here. Both Minneapolis and St. Paul instituted mask mandates several days ago. Before it was just encouraged that you wear a mask. Now both cities require restaurants, sporting venues and bars to require proof of vaccination to enter. Or course my wife has no idea where hers is.
Several schools have gone back to remote learning. The post office is experiencing a shortage of workers, causing delays. On Tuesday I was right by the door when I heard the mailman drop our delivery in the box. So I opened to door to say hi. He said due to a shortage of people our route didn't get delivery on Monday. He said there was a huge pile of mail waiting for him when he got to work that day.
Even Trump the other day blasted politicians for not admitting they've been vaccinated and for not encouraging people to get the vaccine. Guess he's worried about too many of his base dying off before the next election.