I am not an American (or Brit for that matter) but I originate from Europe.
I do live for the last xx years in the US.
Gina Marie talked a bit about how the porn industry is changing.
To me that always has been the most fascinating thing about the US.
You guys have the biggest porn industry of the world,
and still freak out about an innocent nipple showing during the Super Bowl.
"Yes, yes," I hear people cry, "but we don't want our children to see that stuff."
I always have the feeling that there is this vague relationship between America's denial of the existence of sex and teen pregnancies.
According to Wikki the ratio in the US is 40-50 pregnancies/ 1000 teen girls.
The biggest part of Europe is 20-30/1000, and some countries even have <10/1000.
Strange to see that the countries with <10/1000
are some of the most sexual liberal ones.
They talk openly about sex,
show boobs and asses,
and some have no problem in showing porn on TV.
I believe that the more open you are about sex, the better it is,
and the better you can educate your children.
Sex is a natural thing, and it's the only thing we have in common.
All our parents had sex....