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Why do some think that NO means NO doesn't apply to them?

JBRG · 716

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Offline JBRG

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Why is it that some people simply cannot accept "No" for an answer? The story in the link focuses on lesbians who are being pressured into engaging in sex acts with trans women even though the lesbians in question have indicated that they have no interest in doing so. If it were straight males doing this, I'm sure there would be several rape charges, or sexual assault charges.

The trans women who are pressuring women to have sex with them have started crying out that they are being discriminated against because they are not biologically female. In my opinion, NO means NO. Regardless of the reason why. It should never matter what the reason is. If person A does not want to engage in sexual activities with person B, that should be the end of it.

Let me note that this article, while damning, does not say that all trans women act this way. However, the fact that some, who want special treatment from society because they are "different", do engage in this repugnant behaviour.

And, of course, many in the trans community have complained and have "demanded" and apology from The BBC for publishing the story because it doesn't fit their narrative.

That is all.

Offline Paige

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Reply #1 on: December 14, 2021, 08:23:31 PM
I think this just comes down to people awful and will use any reason to justify being awful!

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Offline Dudester

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Reply #2 on: December 14, 2021, 09:48:45 PM
Strippers can be aggressive. Granted, to them, time is money, but I have always been honest with strippers-for me NO means NO and that cuts both ways. If she doesn't want to spend time with me, I'm not offended, there are other women in the club. Also, if some (3 out of 10) plops herself down, and I'm not interested I am kind about saying no, but for me, NO means NO. It offends me when some stripper plops herself down and I tell her that I'm not interested, then she tells me that I'm either a racist or faggot.