Variations (Trolls)
This is a multi-axis categorization, to better understand the Kind of troll you're butting heads with. Which stimulus they respond to, and how to get the response you want out of them. So, starting at 101, the first 2 axes are Stimulus (Tactics) and Response (Motive.) What do you do, to get what you want out of them, and conversely, what they do hints at what they want from you. Beyond a Reply, that's just binary to the act of trolling. "The only winning move is not to play."
The Spelcheck troll is probably the easiest, based on the Turing Test: If a 'bot can interact with a user, without telling the difference, then it might as well be as Intelligent as the User. (Not AI, UI.) Your B.A.S.I.C. speltroll can be replaced by the same proofreading programs that we all have on our word processors, auto-corect, and the like.
Dictiontroll: This is a more advanced (1.1) strategy, where the automatic proofreader lines don't pop up when they hit "Quote" to point out the speling erors for them. This would require a more sophisticated 'bot to pass the Turning Test, basically Grammarly, or Dragon. (So, the C++ equivalent, on the hierarchy of Programming Languages.)
Binary: This is your False Dichotomy, either I'm right, or you're wrong. Heads I win, tails you lose, with no concept of a draw, where you both lose.
FORTRAN: This is the troll that Compiles a set of Statistics. A limited set, where the Confirmation Bias is preserved, throwing out any outlying datum which would skew the conclusion they're after, in the Abstract. This is Occam's Guillotine: "Deciding the conclusion, then looking for the Evidence to Prove it is like cutting off your own head, so you don't have to shave." The opposite of Occam's Razor, rather than removing steps to refine the Data, they remove the Experiment completely, and refine the Data (Statistics) to the set that correlates with their assumptions. Syntax Error: The numbers don't add up to the "Truth" as I see it. (Alternate speling is 4tran, to allude to the message board where it was first discovered.)
Redditorial: Your basic Strawmaster, "So what you're saying is;" That's how they declare their approach to your argument. They don't even bother to read the entire comment, they skim for the Keywords, and edit out the ones that they don't deem important. That's how you get "Exonerated" from "Not Exonerate," or the full predicate "Neither exonerate, nor provide sufficient Probable Cause to Press Charges." All of these are motivated by the same thing: Proving you wrong, to prove themselves right (Or Write in the case of the Autocorect troll) escalating to more advanced tactics, to strategies, and ever more complex "Truths."}
Within this Set, it is assumed that they have decided the Conclusion, whatever it is, and are only arguing with you to steer the conversation around to their "Truth." Everything else in the debate is discarded, out of hand, as log as it comes back around to their assumption, which they will restate, until you give up, or agree with them. There is no other option.
This is the other (Why) axis, where they pull the switch often enough that the act of pulling the switch is all they need. Quite often, they announce themselves in the Abstract, like a hot chick in a sex story describing herself bra first. "36D-24-36." That's all that matters, and they will use any excuse, or none, to spam that button. They only have a hammer, so every argument looks like a nail, even when it's actually a Dead Horse.
Once is an instance, twice coincidence, 3 times a pattern. So, if they spam that button 3 times in a row, you have reason to expect that's how they score points. Every troll keeps score, but one of the tricks is not telling the other trolls what counts in your rulebook. If you can figure out what their Hot Button is, then you can try to disable it, so they can't just give themselves free points. if they immediately post this:
or something like it, then you know they score points by how many people they can "Trigger."
{"No U!" Doesn't matter what you're proposing, the simplest way to avoid an actual argument is to accuse the other, of whatever. It often belies a subconscious flaw, they want to avoid, so if they don't want to sound like a racist, they will preempt that by calling you a racist, reverse racist, or accuse you of equating everything with racism. (Sexism, or whatever your argument is about.)
Ad Hominem: It doesn't even matter what the keyword is, it could be as simple as calling you a "Troll." I'm not a troll, you're a: {Liberal, Pinko Commie, Nazi, Sociopath, ...} whatever. The inverse accusation is "You always call everyone {X} when they don't agree with you." This is separate from Godwin's Law, which is a Sociological (Forest) trend, not a Psychological (Tree) trait. However, if you use the terms {Nazi, Fascist, Holocaust/denier, Concentration Camp...} then expect to get dinged for a violation of Godwin's Law by someone that thinks that's an automatic WIN.
If they call you a "Snowflake" 3 times in a row, then you know that's all they've got. You're a snowflake, everyone's a special little snowflake (Except me, of course.) You are an unique individual, just like everyone else.
"Eat shit, go fuck yourself, shitbag. Douche, go back to where you came from, I hate you, you make me sick, you're just a..." That's when you know they either don't have an argument, or regressed to the point that they can't articulate it any more eloquently than a 6th grader picking on younger kids in the Elementary Schoolyard.
Lord of Chaos: AKA "Edgelord..." This is your standard troll, who's just here to read the comments... They stimulate the forum by throwing out something controversial, then sitting back, and keeping score on the raging argument they created. You can generally tell, because they only come back to contribute something meaningful (More so than standard buttons like memes, slogans, or whatever) when the argument begins to die down. So, look for them, if you want to chase them around the forum, in places where there's Partisan subjects like {Politics, Religion, or Sex.} Basically anything you shouldn't talk about at the dinner table, because it's going to be a fight? Yeah, if it says {Race} in the title, {Abortion, Guns, Evolution...} This is why certain topics, or proclamations are considered "Edgy." For instance, here you have {Pedophiles, Rape, Incest, Necrophilia, and Bestiality.} So, we attract a lot of Edgelords, 4 teh chaos! Lulz.
Sealioning: This is getting more advanced, and for the sake of Clarity, I use it all the time. (I'm not a Sealion, I play the Role of Sealion, when that appears the best way to approach a given argument. A Sealion either defaults to this as their first strategy going in, or doesn't know any other way to argue, so uses it even when it's counter-productive.) It's complicated, rational, and appears to be Civil, when it's not. Typically involves Gaslighting "You're insane, which makes me the voice of reason here." Also backhanded compliments, and "Sideswipes" (Forehanded insults.) A sealion gets our points when the other guy gets frustrated, and less intelligible, making us seem more civil, and coherent in contrast. The best counter for Sealioning seems to be feigning a breakdown, until they score a point, then returning the question they're avoiding, but you want to hold onto it. I don't get win debates, I have no intention of "Winning," because then the discussion is over, and I have to find someone else to talk to. Because eloquence, and rationales are how they keep score, Sealions fighting tend to be the most long winded, and detailed as we put the ANAL in analysis, but I still score points when the other guys gives up trying to argue, and devolves into one of the more basic trolls (Above.) It just doesn't make up for the interesting discussion being over. (That's still a Loss in my scorebook, so a pyrric victory at best.)