This weird question was prompted by something that has lingered in my mind for years.
When the www was much younger, I lurked on a female-centric discussion board. Men were allowed to register and read, but I do not think we could post. One of the forums on there was about women's health and sexuality. Possessed by several medical fetishes and almost all things sexual, that was my favorite forum.
A woman started a thread on that forum about how her SO wanted her to include his balls when she was stimulating him sexually and that disgusted her. Okay, to each her own. What amazed me was the number of women, by far the majority, who felt the same way.
Having participated on a number of sex-related boards since then, I have never again encountered that subject. So, I wonder how many women are indifferent to, or put off by those dangly organs in their silly little sack?
No regrets, if I had my life to live over, I would be a pervert next time, too!