Thank you to all...Eric, Gemini, PHTLC, Cat, Wubble, Watcher, RHL, Vinney, Joan and Staci. I am deeply honored and humbled to be selected as April's POM. The honor is much more meaningful, knowing I was voted in by my, peers.
I was a lurker for quite a while, mostly reading the stories. Last December, on my Birthday, I got some PMs wishing me a Happy Birthday. Started talking with one of those persons and paying attention to what else was going on at KB. Found several subjects of interest and realized this was more than just another sex site. It's a sex site for people that also have other interests and are able to carry out a dialogue in an intellegent manor. Of course many times these dialogues are diverted into playful jests that eventually end with someone being told to bite someone else.
Having so many grammer police around has impelled me to be more careful in my writing. I did slip up a few days ago and wrote something about the wife breaking two of her ankles. That was quickly questioned when someone wanted to know just how many she had. I checked, there's only two, and BTW, she's up and around, just moving real slow.
I'll try to live up to the honor you've bestowed on me. It's ironic that this comes the same week I started taking an ACE inhibitor for high blood pressure. That on top of my diabetes meds, pretty well put the last nail in my sex life coffin. It's great...I get to live life a few years longer without being able to get my rocks off. Ain't modern medicine wonderful.
Several of my congratulations messages mention my election was "well deserved". Is that like in high school writing "have a good summer" in someone's year book? I do spend more time here posting jokes or funny pictures and avoid the serious discussions. As I've gotten older, I find it hard to really get excited over very much that goes on around the world these days.
My personal philosophy, for what it's worth, "Enjoy life....your never going to get out of it alive anyway".