That'll make it up to 30% WIDER, but won't do more than about 5% for length. Repeated and excessive use damages the corpora cavernosa, and you won't get a true hard-on afterward... ever. Several prominent porn stars have used it in the past to get wider.
To stretch the length, you have to use one of the things that PULLS on it for hours at a time. It's the same method used by various cultures to shape their bodies. That works, but it takes years, with tiny increases over time.
Kindly note that 'Jelqing' can't work.
Pulling on it for 20 minutes (with or without a warm, wet washcloth) doesn't do SHIT, or I'd be hanging down to my knees by now. If the warm towel made any difference, then you'd melt in a hot tub. It's pure snake oil.
There used to be a forum called Lots of guys there trading suggestions and outright lies.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 04:00:24 AM by RopeFiend »
Remember the Golden Rule: you do me, and I\'ll do you (paraphrased)