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John McCain attacking members of his own party.

jstarebel · 620

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Offline jstarebel

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on: March 09, 2013, 03:44:09 PM
Looks like Ol John McCain is up to his OLD outdated ways again causing more division in the already frazzled republican party. The ol fart proves he will do anything to get a little media attention these days in hopes of re-living his glory days of losing two presidential bids and is going out of his way and against public opinion to discredit fellow republican Rand Paul. Rand Paul is having a moment. The junior senator from Kentucky has become something of a sensation since his marathon filibuster on Wednesday night, in which he warned against the threat posed to civil liberties by the Obama administration's secretive drone campaign. While Paul has won plaudits from both the left and the right, he has also come under some withering criticism from the "old has beens" from his own party.

It seems like the Republicans would want to take advantage of a renewed public opinion and build on it rather than try and discredit Rand Paul.. The republican party needs to "GET RID OF THE OLD LOSERS" like McCain.

Fair Winds & Calm Seas,



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Reply #1 on: March 09, 2013, 03:54:15 PM


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Reply #2 on: March 09, 2013, 04:44:11 PM
Looks like Ol John McCain is up to his OLD outdated ways again causing more division in the already frazzled republican party. The ol fart proves he will do anything to get a little media attention these days in hopes of re-living his glory days of losing two presidential bids and is going out of his way and against public opinion to discredit fellow republican Rand Paul. Rand Paul is having a moment. The junior senator from Kentucky has become something of a sensation since his marathon filibuster on Wednesday night, in which he warned against the threat posed to civil liberties by the Obama administration's secretive drone campaign. While Paul has won plaudits from both the left and the right, he has also come under some withering criticism from the "old has beens" from his own party.

It seems like the Republicans would want to take advantage of a renewed public opinion and build on it rather than try and discredit Rand Paul.. The republican party needs to "GET RID OF THE OLD LOSERS" like McCain.

I totally agree, It's time for a new brand of Republican.....Kind of like well, Kind of like A


Offline jstarebel

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Reply #3 on: March 09, 2013, 04:52:27 PM

I totally agree, It's time for a new brand of Republican.....Kind of like well, Kind of like A


I couldn't agree more Janus.. There needs to be a completely NEW party with attitudes that better fit into mainstream society. I'd be happy if the politicians would simply care more about Americans then they do corporate America...

Fair Winds & Calm Seas,


Offline DemonDelight

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Reply #4 on: March 09, 2013, 05:02:05 PM
I agree with you both as well. They are spending too much time trying to make sure they can hoard as much money as possible cuz God forbid they sacrifice a small amount of cushion from their billowy, marshmallow fluffed clouds.

Offline watasch

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Reply #5 on: March 09, 2013, 07:42:24 PM
     The Grand Ole Party has seen its heyday, at least as long as RINOs like McCain are still around.
     Nothing wrong with the libertarian view, nothing wrong with conservatism, nothing wrong with liberalism, etc.  The problem is when goes out of his/her way to make comments to demean others without really working to push a positive approach to solving our political issues.  It is way to easy to insult and demean...very difficult to come up with a well thought out plan towards resolving issues.  
     I often wonder what type of government and country we would have if we had a different system besides the two party system.  I often wonder if it would make people work towards a common good instead of what we have now with two parties at complete odds with each other; and when they do agree it is usually over trivial items or it is simply a big knee jerk reaction to a situation that they later complain about.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #6 on: March 09, 2013, 09:44:32 PM
    The Grand Ole Party has seen its heyday, at least as long as RINOs like McCain are still around.


One wonders if Senator McCain AZ, and his trained monkey Senator Graham SC, thought up their comments while dining on exotic sushi at the Jefferson Hotel the night prior.

Speaking ill of a fellow Republican, for no reason than to feed the liberal media, and seek a spot on the next Sunday show, invited to further publicly bash a successful fellow Senator, is despicable.

Unfortunately, McCain is there until 2016. Graham on the other hand will face a SC elected true Conservative in next year's Republican Primary. About time this red state has some Conservative representation in the U.S. Senate.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Lurid Sinner

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Reply #7 on: March 09, 2013, 09:47:56 PM
« Last Edit: December 23, 2016, 06:11:24 PM by Lurid Sinner »