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"Check out the NRA's enemies list"

MissBarbara · 809

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on: February 01, 2013, 10:26:23 PM
Check out the NRA's enemies list -- featuring Boyz II Men

The rogues gallery also includes Sean Connery, Hallmark, and the American Academy of Pediatrics

Since the school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, the National Rifle Association has proved that it is no wallflower when it comes to protecting gun rights. Indeed, the powerful lobby appears to believe that offense is the best defense, going after President Obama and any other lawmaker that seeks to bolster the country's gun laws. Politicians have long felt the NRA's intense scrutiny, with the organization keeping track of every single vote and issuing report card-style grades to keep congressmen in check. And it turns out that the NRA may have its eye on you, too — that is, if you belong to any of the numerous organizations and companies compiled on the lobby's enemies list.
Available on the NRA's website, the list, titled "National Organizations With Anti-Gun Policies," seeks to inform gun supporters of nonprofits, corporations, and individuals who have "lent monetary, grassroots, or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations." Many on the list are also guilty of backing gun-control legislation like the 1995 "Campaign to Protect Sane Gun Laws" and the Brady Act. "All have officially endorsed anti-gun positions," according to the NRA.
The rogues gallery includes some unsurprising entries, such as the American Civil Liberties Union. But it seems almost no organization or person has escaped the NRA's gaze, including the AARP, the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, the National Association of Public Hospitals, and the Police Foundation.
Then there are the "individuals and celebrities," which include Boyz II Men, Sean Connery, Geraldo Rivera, Doug Flutie, Barry Manilow, and Sting. There is a long list of Americans who are members of the Brady Campaign's National Committee, as well as journalists who "editorialize in favor of gun control laws."
The companies listed, with addresses included, feature the Kansas City Chiefs, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Hallmark, Sprint, and Time Warner. Publication and media outlets that "have assisted in the attack on Second Amendment rights" include pretty much every mainstream media outlet, with the notable exceptions of Fox News and The Wall Street Journal.

The entire list on the NRA's web site is here:

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Reply #1 on: February 02, 2013, 01:36:34 AM
The sad part about the NRA leaders is that they actually believe what they say. Kind of scary.

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Offline Dgan

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Reply #2 on: February 02, 2013, 04:47:14 AM
Just as the people on the list are either proud of or believe in their side of things and that list was compiled based on public information. No worries there and no rights infringed.

The one thing that really gets me is that the best of the causes always end up being lead by zealots that distort what should be a good thing into a bad one.  Take the Sierra Club for instance, a good idea that has evolved into what amounts to an extremist group because their leadership has lost sight of the original goal and turned it into their own political power agenda.

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Reply #3 on: February 02, 2013, 05:00:37 AM
Some I found amusing:

The NRA seeing Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream as a threat to them is hilarious.

I can certainly see how Hallmark Cards are an issue to the NRA.

Sara Lee and its pastries certainly can take the NRA down.

The Kansas City Royals have been irrelevant for years in MLB, but not irrelevant to the NRA.

Of course this is why the NRA has Mel Brooks is on the list.


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Reply #4 on: February 02, 2013, 05:02:56 AM
Why Wouldn't the NRA comprise a list of those who oppose their views? It isn't uncommon for politicized groups to make lists of those who oppose them. I see nothing scary at all. I rather like seeing who is against the things I support.



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Reply #5 on: February 02, 2013, 05:07:51 AM